Athens, Greece, 01-02-2024
Students clash with riot police in front of the Greek Parliament during a demonstration against the government’s plans for private universities.
Photograph: Angelos Tzortzinis/AFP/Getty Images
Athens, Greece, 01-02-2024
Students clash with riot police in front of the Greek Parliament during a demonstration against the government’s plans for private universities.
Photograph: Angelos Tzortzinis/AFP/Getty Images
Mas vá, acreditámos e vibrámos e trabalhámos muito durante uns meses, depois mandaram-nos acabar com a brincadeira que já era liberdade a mais e que voltassemos quietinhos para casa senão… e (a maioria de) nós obedeceu, ainda hoje não sei porquê. Resumindo: antes, não se podia dizer ‘viva a liberdade’, mas agora já se pode berrar ‘no tempo do Salazar é qu’era bom’ e ‘do que o povo precisa é de mão dura’!…
Chinese president Xi Jinping wants to put a stop to China’s bizarre building syndrome. Here are the most outlandish oddities that have appeared so far.
‘Forgive me, Father, for I am in the mood to sin’: how the ‘hot priest calendar’ became a publishing hit
Jadgal Elementary School / Daaz Office, Irão