Começo a recear que na contagem final os anti-vaxxs tenham uma certa razão: os laboratórios detentores das patentes das diversas vacinas ganharam biliões que podiam ter sido investidos na investigação aprofundada (mas acelerada) e em grandes estruturas de emergência dos serviços de saúde e a batalha contra o vírus está longe de estar ganha…
The Guardian, 05/12/2021
“How easily does the [omicron] variant evade the body’s anti-virus defences?
On this question, scientists are clear. Evidence indicates that Omicron has an advantage over other variants in bypassing the immune system. “From what we have learned so far, we can be fairly confident that – compared with other variants – Omicron tends to be better able to reinfect people who have been previously infected and received some protection against Covid-19,” said Prof Francois Balloux, director of the Genetics Institute at University College London.”